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Happy 20th ÃÈÃÃÉçÇøversary, Dan Larson!

Dan Larson 20 Year Anniversary

Congratulations to Director/Principal Dan Larson on celebrating his 20 year ÃÈÃÃÉçÇøversary! Over the course of his career with ARCO, Dan has worn many hats and carried many titles (including Intern!), but has consistently made a positive impact on our business by leading award-winning projects. His expertise and dedication to improving our processes as well as his enthusiasm make him a true pillar of ÃÈÃÃÉçÇø’s culture. 

To celebrate this milestone, Dan shared some of his favorite ÃÈÃÃÉçÇø memories, his career role models and some insightful advice on building a successful career.

  • What’s your favorite part of working for ÃÈÃÃÉçÇø?ÌýIt has always been the people.Ìý Working with a group of people dedicated to solving problems and committed to successful outcomes has made each day exciting and rewarding.
  • What’s your favorite work or project-related ÃÈÃÃÉçÇø memory? I’m proud of all of my projects, but the work we did on the Back Bay at Carillon project in St. Peters, Florida is my favorite, for all of the work that was put in and the incredible result that came from it. 
  • What’s your favorite non-work-related ÃÈÃÃÉçÇø memory? Trainings at Echo Valley Ranch.
  • What’s your proudest accomplishment in your career so far? Watching the multi-family business take seed and grow throughout the organization.  My first projects at ÃÈÃÃÉçÇø represented the 2nd, 3rd, and 6th multi-family jobs and after 2008 it was unclear the future of that niche.  It’s been very fulfilling to have a business built around that market and to see other companies pursue that work as well. 
  • What’s one lesson learned you’d want to pass on to fellow associates? I have two from the last 20 years:
  1. Don’t be afraid to take on a challenge, I was once told that if I always volunteered for the toughest assignments, I wouldn’t have any competition. 
  2. When you need it, ask for help professionally or personally. You’re surrounded by good people who want to see you thrive.
  • Do you have a professional role model? If so, who? I’ve built a professional role model by picking parts from many people including leaders at ÃÈÃÃÉçÇø like Steve Rush, Greg Ancel, Hank Bellina, and Jeff Cook and peers like Mike Locklear and Kyle Darnell.  It goes back to my favorite part about working at ARCO, through my entire experience I have been able to count on those around me for guidance professionally. 
  • What ÃÈÃÃÉçÇø value is the most important or relevant for you? Treat people fairly and do the right thing. I have dozens of examples of this core value in action, often in difficult situations.
  • Do you have any big sabbatical plans in 2024 to celebrate? I’m likely deferring until 2025, my wife is wrapping up her doctorate and will be working on her dissertation for the rest of this year, so ’25 will be cause for even more celebration.
  • Anything else you would like to include as you reflect on that last 20 years? I am very grateful for all of the wonderful people I have had the chance to work with.

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